Monday, June 10, 2013


i would have to say this weekend finally felt like summer here in bmore. it was sunny and we had the chance to sit by the pool both saturday and sunday! in addition to our relaxation, we also checked out hon fest, a time for people to use cans and cans of hairspray and have an excuse to say "bawlmer".  
look at those hons
i know you're jeals of our sunnies
on sunday we made our way south of the city towards the inner harbor and passed by the national aquarium where we celebrated world oceans day
lobsters on stilts (there was also a jelly fish floating around)
karate girl and i trying to look like fishies
and towards the east we ran into little italy to celebrate the feast of st. anthony with food, gambling (well, not us at least), and bocce ball.
fried zucchini 
spiced chai and pistach gelato from vaccaro's (sorry, for the chipped polish)
i wonder what this next week holds?

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