Wednesday, November 28, 2012

random motivation

as it has been since the beginning of the semester, the days feel long, but there is still too much to do in so little time. seeing as we only have 7 days of classes left, we are almost to the end. it's this point in the game when you think "only one more assignment", but you still don't want to do it and you're ready for winter break to just get here. 
feeling unmotivated? feeling like you need a little pick-me-up? below are just a couple of things that have motivated me to finish my work and have reenergized me when i've been fed up

on monday, i went to a bhangra dance group workshop on campus. they taught us some basic moves and it was definitely a work out! lots of shrugging and jumping on your toes. after showing hayley and lauren my moves, hayley showed us this clip of bhangra on dancing with the stars. i've never watched the show but it was fun to see them do the same things i had just learnt. 

over the thanksgiving break, a friend suggested i start watching nasheville...and now i'm addicted. though i'm not a big listener of country music, i love all the songs. now i have them stuck in my head all day err day. my top fave: fade into you, no one will ever love you, and undermine

tv shows
i haven't watched gilmore girls in years, but in the middle of the semester hayley had a random urge to watch it and now it has become a thing to reward ourselves after being productive. 

you may remember this photo from hampdenfest, but i realized this is the only one with most of us together. whenever any of us are feeling down about anything, academics or otherwise, we are there for each other. they've been a great group and i don't know what my life would be without them! ( *also a shout out to those studying abroad and thus could not be pictured :P )

this post is kind of random..but hey, i can do what i want :D

1 comment:

  1. at least one of you keeps this blog up to date! thanks emily! - hayley's mom
