Sunday, April 7, 2013

wait, we have a blog?

i'll skip the excuses for the hiatus. just know, it hasn't been from lack of inspiration! just a lack of energy to transfer that inspiration... so here we are!

so many things have come about: spring break trips, field trips, summer plans, and spring fair on the horizon. oh yeah, and going to lab on a saturday.

hipsters in lab. you know that's right.
cleaning out a pit backyard (but actually a landfill) with two friends during spring break

field trip for our hazardous waste engineering and management class, and yes, it smelled great!

my spring break was awesome, and i can't believe it was only two weeks ago... the semester is zipping along! the field trip was a nice break from the regular 3-hour lecture we patiently and attentively sit through once a week. best part of the tour? the little kittens that live just outside the hazardous waste facility. adorable. and amazingly (and suspiciously) still alive. another best part? a warning for no cameras, since some of their technology is secret; we joked that we felt like golden-ticket winners walking through the chocolate factory, trying to get a picture for slugworth.

oh yes, and another thing i (we) have started, adding -izzle to the end of words. because... why not? :)

ta-ta-for-now, but hopefully for not as long as a month...

- hayley

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